In this article, we will guide you through the process of canceling or changing a clinic.

How to cancel a clinic?

At Bay to Bay, we offer three convenient options for canceling a clinic. You can contact our support team here to request a cancellation or change of your clinic. Alternatively, you can easily manage your clinic schedule using the Bay to Bay App, or visit our website to make changes. In this article, we will focus on canceling clinics through our website, as the process for canceling through the App is straightforward and intuitive.

Let’s get started!

  1. First, go to this website

  2. Scroll all the way down until you reach the bottom part.

  3. This is how the bottom part should look like. Click on “Member Log In”

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  4. You will be routed to this page. Select Log in if you already have an account, otherwise, please sign up.

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  5. Once logged in, you will be routed back to the previous page. Click on the dropdown next to your account name.

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  6. Scroll down to see the entire menu option. Then click on “My Bookings”

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  7. On this page, you will see the list of clinics you registered with.

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  8. Look for the clinic that you would want to cancel, and just hit cancel.

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  9. It’s asking you to confirm. Just hit YES.

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  10. Alright! You have successfully canceled a clinic. Now, it’s time to book another clinic.

  11. Click on “Check out our services” and follow the steps here.

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